Cerner Diagnostics System API - Implementation Template

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Setup guide

Please review the pre-requisite setup instructions for System Account and App setup in Cerner.

Importing Templates into Anypoint Studio

  1. In Studio, click the Exchange X icon in the upper left of the taskbar.
  2. Log in with your Anypoint Platform credentials.
  3. Search for the template.
  4. Click Open.

Running Templates in Anypoint Studio

After you import your template into Studio, follow these configuration steps to run it:

Common Configuration

  • mule.env - sets the environment where the application is to be deployed. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. For a studio deployment, the recommended mule.env value is local.
  • mule.key - sets the encryption password to be used for encrypting secure properties. Update as needed.
  • api.baseurl - sets the base url of the api. Replace/override as needed when deploying to any environment. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. Default value is https://localhost:8082/api, when mule.env is local.
  • api.autoDiscoveryID should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.

Cerner Configuration

  • cerner.tokenurl - sets the token url for Cerner. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • cerner.baseurl - sets the base url for Cerner R4 requests. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • cerner.scopes - set the scopes for the OAuth request to Cerner Token Url. Update the scopes as required for the operations. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • cerner.clientId - sets the client id to be used for requests to Cerner Url. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • cerner.clientSecret - sets the client secret to be used for requests to Cerner Url. It should be encrypted and configured in config-secured-<mule.env>.yaml file.

Please refer to the attached link on how to secure the configuration properties.

HTTPS Configuration

  • — sets the service host interface. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. (Defaults to for all interfaces).
  • https.port — sets the HTTPS service port number. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. (Default 8082).
  • TLS Configuration - Keystore properties setup:
    • keystore.alias - sets the alias to the keystore. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
    • keystore.path - sets the path to the key file. Key should be available in /src/main/resources/keystore. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
    • keystore.keypass — sets keystore keypass to support HTTPS operation. It should be encrypted and configured in config-secured-<mule.env>.yaml file.
    • keystore.password— sets keystore password to support HTTPS operation. It should be encrypted and configured in config-secured-<mule.env>.yaml file.

Please refer to the attached link on how to generate the Keystore.

Run it

  • Right-click the template project folder.
  • Hover your mouse over Run as.
  • Click Mule Application (configure).
  • Inside the dialog, select Environment and set the variable mule.env to the appropriate value (e.g dev or local).
  • Inside the dialog, select Environment and set the variable mule.key. Click Run.

Deployment instructions for CloudHub using provided scripts

Ensure the Maven profile CloudHub-HLS-DEV has been properly configured in your
settings.xml file. Reference can be found by downloading the Accelerator Common Resources asset. Additional instructions are available in the Getting Started with MuleSoft Accelerators - Build Environment guide.

Update the config-dev.yaml properties appropriately and then use one of the following scripts to deploy application to CloudHub:

  • (Mac/Linux)
  • packageDeploy.cmd (Windows)

Test it

  • Use Advanced Rest Client or Postman to send a request over HTTPS. The template includes a postman collection in the src/test/resources folder. Update the collection variable(s) after successful import.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2025
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Asset versions for 1.1.x

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